Merchantville Fishing Club

Rules and Regulations

Revised February 2000

General Fish Offs

Section 1

  1. No fish will be counted before or after stated tournament time.

  2. Registration will take place before tournament time at predetermined area.

  3. Selections/Drawings will be held when all members accounted for. (Within time limit return of 30 minutes)

  4. Members not registered must be back promptly at the registration site at the conclusion of the fish off.

  5. Equipment (optional) used may not include more than one (1) rod and reel and not more than two (2) hooks.

  6. Float rigs are illegal.

  7. Foul hooked fish will be will be eligible for awards.

  8. Only edible fish will be accepted, thus excluding sharks, skates, sea robins, eels, sundials and blowfish.

  9. Eligible fish will be legal size only.

  10. All fish will be measured from top of nose (mouth closed) to the tip of the tail.

  11. Each member will be responsible for their own bait.

  12. Point and point ties will be broken by number of fish. If undecided total number by inches will decide.


  1. Fish offs (Inter Club) are held to select members to represent Merchantville Fishing Club in associations of surf angler tournaments.

  2. Team members will be the 6 members scoring the highest total of points in the pre-described fish off.

  3. In the event that 6 members did not catch fish then the team will be filled by random drawing at the fish off.

  4. In addition to the six (6) members for the team, two (2) alternatives will be selected as back up team members.

  5. Of the six (6) members participating, one will be selected captain.

Team Captains

Section 3

  1. Team Captains will be selected by team members.

  2. Team Captains responsibilities are as follows.

    1. Sign up teams at association tournaments to determine assigned positions and receive tournament rules and regulations.

    2. Team Captain is responsible for team beach transportation

    3. Team Captain is responsible for proper fish check in with tournament judges.

    4. Team Captain will give report of tournament to the members at the following meeting.  

Awarding of Jackets

Section 4

  1. Due to escalating cost of jackets, the club will award a jacket and patch with member receiving the same paying the cost of the lettering.

  2. Jackets will be awarded to deserving members on the basis of a point system which is accumulated from year to year.

  3. Effective April 1988 a member will be eligible for a first jacket after accumulating thirty (30) points.

  4. A member who has been awarded a new jacket is not eligible for another jacket until accumulating one hundred (100) points.

Points will be awarded as follows:

           Each meeting attended:

  1. Each meeting attended ------- 1/2 Point
  2. Each fish-off attended -------- 1 Point
  3. Each Association Tournament -------- 2 Points
  4. 3rd. place finish team competition ------ 3 Points
  5. 2nd place finish team competition ------ 4 Points
  6. 1st. place finish team competition ------ 5 Points

4.   The (30) points accumulated by a member must include points acquired by fishing at least one Association tournament.

5.  The (100) points may be acquired in any way.

6.   (1) point will be awarded to members attending the Banquet.



  1.   The club will award a plaque to the member scoring the greatest number of points accumulated during the fish-offs.
  2.   The club will award a plaque to the member scoring he most points in association tournaments.
  3.  The club will award a plaque for a special achievement award to a member decided by committee.
  4.  Awards will be presented for:  Surf caught- Striper, Bluefish, Weakfish, Kingfish, Flounder.  Boat caught - Striper, Bluefish, Weakfish, lackfish, Flounder.
  5. Plaques will be given to members with the largest fish in each category above.
  6. There will be a special award program for Juniors in fresh water and saltwater.


Section - 6

  1. Junior members are members below the age of 17.
  2. Junior members shall be eligible for association awards.



  1. Affidavits not properly submitted to the affidavit chairman within 7 days of catch will not be allowed.
  2. No member shall turn in more that (3) affidavits for three (3) top for each species in a calendar month.
  3. No affidavit will be accepted at the meeting for that months drawing.



  1. All club members are eligible to attend
  2. tournament will be held at pre-determined site. Clubs include; Merchantville FC, Pennsauken FC, Delaware Valley FC, and LBI Heavers FC.
  3. Tournament host is rotated between clubs each year.
  4. Prizes are awarded form most fish individually, and most points individually.